Question 1 (1 point) Which of the following plugins would you add to your application to improve SEO? Question 1 options: Square Elementor Yoast✔ Storefront Question 2 (1 point) When is the "init" hook fired in a WordPress plugin? Question 2 options: • Just before any plugin executes code • When WordPress is installed for the first time • After the administration page loads • When the WordPress site has just finished loading✔ Question 3 (1 point) Which company sells point of sale software to small/medium companies and will often need to be intergrated into a WooCommerce project Question 3 options: • Elementor • Storefront • Square✔ • Yoast Question 4 (1 point) Tags and categories in WooCommerce should be the same thing Question 4 options: True False✔ Question 5 (1 point) What does the priority parameter in the WordPress add_action function do? Question 5 options: • Determines theme to load first when the plugin runs • Adds an action to the hook list • Takes a variable, modifies it and returns the result to WordPress • Determines the order that callback functions run at when a hook occurs✔ Question 6 (1 point) What is d3.schemeCategory10? Question 6 options: • A scale • A method for creating an axis • A layout for creating bar graphs • An array of different colors✔ Question 7 (1 point) What does the first variable of the commonly used D3 anonymous functions contain? Question 7 options: • The bound data value✔ • The array position • The csv file used to generate the data • The elements making up the graph Question 8 (1 point) Which type of data deals with different groups like gender or nationality? Question 8 options: • Quantitative • Categorical✔ • Topological • Geometric Question 9 (1 point) Which type of data has objects that exist as children of objects recursively? Question 9 options: • Geographic Data • Network Data • Nested Data✔ • Tabular Data Question 10 (1 point) D3 will have errors if you perform a SelectAll where no elements exist Question 10 options: True False✔ Question 11 (1 point) Which of the following is a D3 layout function? Question 11 options: • pie()✔ • brush() • line() • zoom() Question 12 (1 point) Which type of data deals with the relationship between the data for example parent and child? Question 12 options: • Quantitative • Categorical • Topological✔ • Geometric Question 13 (1 point) Which function gets triggered when we have more data than HTML elements? Question 13 options: • enter()✔ • exit() • append() • insert() Question 14 (1 point) What is colorbrewer? Question 14 options: • The library needed to add colour to a graph • A library containing colour pallets that work with graphs✔ • A library for designing pie charts • A library for allowing d3 to connect with css Question 15 (1 point) A boxplot encodes the distribution of the data in its shape Question 15 options: True✔ False Question 16 (1 point) The domain of a scale is often an array containing the smallest and largest piece of data Question 16 options: True✔ False Question 17 (1 point) Which of the following is a D3 component function? Question 17 options: • line() • axis()✔ • pie() • arc() Question 18 (1 point) Which type of data is most often represented as a node-link diagram? Question 18 options: • Geographic Data • Network Data✔ • Nested Data • Tabular Data Question 19 (1 point) Which function returns an array containing the smallest and largest data points? Question 19 options: • d3.maxmin • d3.minmax • d3.extent✔ • d3.nest Question 20 (1 point) Which D3 function works best for creating a stacked graph? Question 20 options: • d3.line • d3.graph • d3.arc • d3.area✔ Question 21 (1 point) must be imported to create a word cloud diagram Question 21 options: True✔ False Question 22 (1 point) What is a D3 transition? Question 22 options: • A type of animation that rotates the graph • A type of animation that shrinks/grows the graph • A method that can cause an animation to occur over time✔ • A method that can cause an animation to occur instantaneously Question 23 (1 point) Colours interpolated in RGB tend to be muddy Question 23 options: True✔ False Question 24 (1 point) Which layout will create bins for data automatically to easily draw a bar chart? Question 24 options: • d3.barGraph • d3.histogram✔ • d3.lineGraph • d3.bin Question 25 (1 point) What do we generally pass to the append() function? Question 25 options: • The data • The scale • The axis • HTML elements✔ Question 26 (1 point) What does the second variable of the commonly used D3 anonymous functions contain? Question 26 options: • The bound data value • The array index position✔ • The csv file used to generate the data • The elements making up the graph Question 27 (1 point) Which of the following is a D3 generator function? Question 27 options: • line()✔ • axis() • brush() • zoom() Question 28 (1 point) A closed path is one where the last point connects to the first point Question 28 options: True✔ False Question 29 (1 point) What function iterates through an array and runs a logical test that keeps only the elements that pass it in the array? Question 29 options: • search • remove • filter✔ • sort Question 30 (1 point) Which D3 function can be used to map categories of data to different colours? Question 30 options: • d3.scaleOrdinal✔ • d3.scaleColour • d3.colourData • d3.color Question 31 (1 point) The stack layout is used to create a streamgraph Question 31 options: True✔ False Question 32 (1 point) What type of data does a Sankey Diagram generally use? Question 32 options: • A JSON array of nodes and a JSON array of links✔ • An array of integers and an array of strings • A dictionary where the keys are integers and the values are Boolean • The same data as a bar graph Question 33 (1 point) The curveBasis interpolation will change the position of a line at right angles Question 33 options: True False✔ Question 34 (1 point) Which chart is best described as a mirrored curved area that bulges where there are many data points and tapers where there are few? Question 34 options: • Pie Chart • Histogram • Violin Plot✔ • Sankey Diagram Question 35 (1 point) How did the sankey diagram display its data? Question 35 options: • Nodes that were connected to each other by lines✔ • Rectangular bars with the height equal to the data • An area graph where the heights were stacked on top of each other • Similarly to a pie chart but with animations Question 36 (1 point) Which of the following syntax would allow you to use string interpolation to put the variable "name" in the string Question 36 options: • name • ${name}✔ • {name} • $name Question 37 (1 point) In SVG the image element is called Question 37 options: True False✔ Question 38 (1 point) What does the every() method do? Question 38 options: • Checks whether each element of an array passes a test✔ • It is the exact same as the JavaScript ForEach loop • Binds data to every element in the DOM • Removes every element from the DOM Question 39 (1 point) The d3.Select function can be used to select more than one elements of a certain type Question 39 options: True✔ False Question 40 (1 point) The d3.classed() function overwrites the currently selected class Question 40 options: True False✔ Question 41 (1 point) Which of the following is a D3 function to pull tabular data? Question 41 options: • d3.csv() • d3.tsv() • d3.dsv() • All answers are correct✔ Question 42 (1 point) Which of the following is a method of encoding colour? Question 42 options: • RGB • HSL • LAB • All answers are correct✔ Question 43 (1 point) When do we use the d3.nest function? Question 43 options: • When we want to display a legend using the data • When we want to create a parent/child relationship with the data✔ • When we want to use a time scale with the data • When we want to find the smallest and largest piece of data Question 44 (1 point) Which type of data would most likely resemble an excel spreadsheet? Question 44 options: • Geographic Data • Network Data • Nested Data • Tabular Data✔ Question 45 (1 point) It is always the best choice to create visually complex graphs Question 45 options: True False✔ Question 46 (1 point) You can use the tickSize() method to create a grid effect for your graphs Question 46 options: True✔ False Question 47 (1 point) When we use the d3.nest to create hierarchical data which function do we use to set the parent? Question 47 options: • .parent • .key✔ • .data • .entries Question 48 (1 point) Which interpolation changes the position of the line at right angles? Question 48 options: • curveBasis • curveStep✔ • curveCardinal • curve Question 49 (1 point) What d3 function do we use to perform the data binding? Question 49 options: • .data✔ • .bind • .databinder • .html Question 50 (1 point) If you use d3.axisBottom the entire axis will automatically appear at the bottom of the SVG Question 50 options: True✔ False